The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People
Will Follow You by John C. Maxwell
Chapter 1: The Law of the Lid
- Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person's
level of effectiveness. The lower an individual's ability to
lead, the lower the lid on their potential.
Chapter 2: The Law of Influence
- True leadership is measured by influence. If you can't
influence others, they won't follow you. Leadership is not about
titles but about impact.
Chapter 3: The Law of Process
- Leadership develops daily, not in a day. It is a lifelong
learning process that involves daily growth and improvement.
Chapter 4: The Law of Navigation
- Leaders who effectively chart the course for their team make
sure that they are prepared for any obstacles that might come
their way. They see farther ahead and navigate accordingly.
Chapter 5: The Law of Addition
- Leaders add value by serving others. True leadership
involves selflessness and a commitment to the growth and
well-being of those being led.
Chapter 6: The Law of Solid Ground
- Trust is the foundation of leadership. Leaders build trust
by living with integrity and demonstrating competence.
Chapter 7: The Law of Respect
- People naturally follow leaders who are stronger than
themselves. Respect is earned through consistency and proven
leadership over time.
Chapter 8: The Law of Intuition
- Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias. They
have an intuitive grasp of the dynamics of leadership and
organizational effectiveness.
Chapter 9: The Law of Magnetism
- Who you are is who you attract. Effective leaders attract
people who are similar in mindset and energy.
Chapter 10: The Law of Connection
- Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. Building
strong relational connections is crucial to gaining support and
Chapter 11: The Law of the Inner Circle
- A leader's potential is determined by those closest to them.
The most effective leaders surround themselves with competent
and complementary team members.
Chapter 12: The Law of Empowerment
- Only secure leaders give power to others. Effective leaders
empower their followers to achieve more and take on leadership
roles themselves.
Chapter 13: The Law of the Picture
- People do what people see. Leaders must model the behavior
they want to see in their team.
Chapter 14: The Law of Buy-In
- People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.
Gaining trust and support from the team is essential for driving
any vision forward.
Chapter 15: The Law of Victory
- Leaders find a way for the team to win. Victorious leaders
possess a sense of responsibility and determination to lead
their team to success.
Chapter 16: The Law of the Big Mo (Momentum)
- Momentum is a leader's best friend. Leaders use momentum to
leverage and magnify their efforts, making it easier to
accomplish more.
Chapter 17: The Law of Priorities
- Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily
accomplishment. They focus on prioritizing the most important
tasks to achieve the greatest results.
Chapter 18: The Law of Sacrifice
- A leader must give up to go up. Effective leaders are
willing to make personal sacrifices for the benefit of their
team and mission.
Chapter 19: The Law of Timing
- When to lead is as important as what to do and where to go.
Good timing is essential for the success of any initiative.
Chapter 20: The Law of Explosive Growth
- To add growth, lead followers. To multiply growth, lead
leaders. The most successful leaders focus on developing other
Chapter 21: The Law of Legacy
- A leader's lasting value is measured by succession. True
leadership is about leaving a lasting impact and ensuring the
organization can thrive without you.