Book Summary

"It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership" by Colin Powell

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"It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership" by Colin Powell


  • Colin Powell introduces the book by reflecting on his journey and the lessons he has learned. He emphasizes the importance of leadership, integrity, and hard work in achieving success.

Chapter 1: My American Journey

  • Powell recounts his early life, growing up in Harlem and the Bronx as the son of Jamaican immigrants. He discusses the influence of his parents and his initial struggles in school, which later improved when he joined the ROTC.

Chapter 2: On the Shoulders of Giants

  • This chapter highlights the mentors and role models who influenced Powell’s career. He discusses the value of mentorship and learning from those who have paved the way before him.

Chapter 3: Perpetual Optimism

  • Powell explores the power of optimism in leadership. He shares stories from his military career where a positive attitude helped him and his team overcome significant challenges.

Chapter 4: The Pottery Barn Rule

  • Powell elaborates on the “Pottery Barn Rule” (you break it, you own it), which he coined during the Iraq War discussions. He discusses the importance of responsibility and accountability in leadership.

Chapter 5: Get Mad, Then Get Over It

  • This chapter discusses managing emotions and not letting anger cloud judgment. Powell shares personal anecdotes about how he has dealt with anger in high-pressure situations.

Chapter 6: The Powell Doctrine

  • Powell explains his military strategy, known as the Powell Doctrine, which emphasizes the need for clear objectives, overwhelming force, and a clear exit strategy. He discusses its application in various conflicts.

Chapter 7: Leadership Primer

  • Powell provides a primer on leadership, sharing his 13 Rules of Leadership. These rules cover topics like staying calm under pressure, taking care of your troops, and ensuring that everyone in the organization knows their role.

Chapter 8: It Worked for Me

  • The title chapter, where Powell shares specific examples of principles and strategies that have worked for him throughout his career. He emphasizes the importance of sticking to one’s values and being adaptable.

Chapter 9: The Power of Clarity

  • Powell stresses the importance of clear communication and clarity of purpose. He provides examples from his military and public service career where clarity was crucial for success.

Chapter 10: The Right Staff

  • This chapter focuses on the importance of surrounding oneself with the right team. Powell shares his approach to selecting and managing staff, ensuring diversity, and fostering a collaborative environment.

Chapter 11: My Greatest Failure

  • Powell reflects on what he considers his greatest failure: his speech at the United Nations about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He discusses the lessons he learned from this experience about the importance of thoroughness and due diligence.

Chapter 12: Kindness Works

  • Powell emphasizes the power of kindness in leadership. He shares stories where kindness and empathy have had a significant impact on his team and mission outcomes.

Chapter 13: Vision and Mission

  • The importance of having a clear vision and mission is discussed. Powell provides advice on how to develop and communicate a compelling vision that motivates and unites a team.

Chapter 14: Problem Solving

  • This chapter covers Powell’s approach to problem-solving. He shares techniques for breaking down complex problems and making decisions under uncertainty.

Chapter 15: Serving with Honor

  • Powell reflects on his principles of serving with honor and integrity. He discusses the role of ethical behavior in leadership and the long-term benefits of maintaining a strong moral compass.


  • Powell wraps up the book by reiterating the key themes of leadership, integrity, and perseverance. He encourages readers to apply these principles in their own lives and careers